Making a Schedule Change


Administration creates the master schedule with the input of teachers and counselors, and all student schedule changes are completed by the second week of school to ensure a smooth transition and stability for the students and teachers.  In general, counselors assist the administration with scheduling, but making schedule changes after the second week of school is very rare. 

Examples of a Valid Schedule Change Request:

  • Missing a period
  • Scheduled for a duplicate class
  • Scheduled for the wrong grade level

Examples of Invalid Schedule Change Requests:

  • Changing a teacher
  • Changing lunches
  • Changing to be with friends
  • Changing to have a class during a different time of day

Requests for specific teachers can not be granted due to the nature of the scheduling process.
Students may be assigned to an intervention elective should a needs assessment determine that this would be in their best educational interest.
Every effort is made to assign students to one of their top three choices of elective, which is dependent upon application results, space, and core class requests.  

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