est. 1997
2006, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024
Two clearances required to play
We are going paperless this year -Click here to submit paperwork
*Please ensure you have your documents completed PRIOR to starting try-out
The physical exam requirement #2 must be completed by a physician and turned into Mr. Prescott before students can participate in practice or games.
*If you received a physical prior to June 1st 2024, you will need a new physical for the 2024-2025 school year!
*Tryouts will take place on August 26th, August 27th & August 29th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, on upper grass field. T-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes are fine for tryouts and please bring a water bottle. However, if they already have cleats please bring them.
Student Athlete Expectations
1) Show up everyday to practice and games.
2) Display a great attitude and sportsmanship.
3) Maintain good grades and citizenship in school.
4) Be coachable and willing to learn the game of football.
5) Have fun!!!
*Players & Parents should communicate to their head coach if they have questions or concerns or can not attend practice or games. Three unexcused absences will result in termination from the Bulldog football program.
*Parents please pick up players promptly at 3:30pm on practice days. On home game days, please pickup players immediately following their games. On away games, parents will transport their son or daughter to and from the game site.
*Players will need to purchase a mouth piece, football cleats, and a water bottle for practice and games. (Color Optional) Uniforms will be provided on game-days.
AUGUST 26th, 27th from 2:30pm -3:30 pm &
August 29th from 2:30-3:30 pm for JV
*Players should wear tennis shoes, t-shirt and shorts to tryouts. Please pick up players promptly in the back parking lot after practice.
Practice Schedule
Varsity Practice Mon,Tues, & Thurs 2:30-3:30
JV Practice Mon,Tues, & Thurs 2:30 -3:30
*Please pick-up players promptly after practice in the back parking lot.
2024 WPMS Football Schedule
Varsity Games 3:30pm/ J.V. Games 4:30pm
Thursday 9/19 WP @ DP
Varsity: 18-12 W
JV: 28-6 W
Tuesday 9/24 WP @ LMA
Varsity: 27-0 W
JV: 28-0 W
Thursday 9/26 SE @ WP
Varsity: 26-6 W
JV: 24-0 W
Tuesday 10/1 SM @ WP
Varsity: 6-8 L
JV: 25-0 W
Thursday 10/3 Sullivan @ WP
Varsity: 28-6 W
JV: 30- 6 W
Tuesday 10/8 DP @ WP
Varsity:22-6 W
JV: 20-14 W
Thursday 10/10 LMA @ WP
Varsity: 30-6 W
JV: 30-0 W
Tuesday 10/15 WP @ SE
Varsity: 20-6 W
JV: 26-6 W
Thursday 10/17 WP @ SM
Varsity: 6-20 L
JV: 26-0 W
Tuesday 10/22 VC @ WP
Varsity: 26-6 W
JV: 26-0 W
Thursday 10/24 SEMS @ WP
Varsity: 22-6 W
Thursday 10/29 Finals WP @ SWMS
Varsity: 13-2 W
Thursday 10/24 4 @ 1 3 @ 2
THURSDAY 10/29 Championship Game

06' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' 21' 23' 24'
'The Bulldog Way'

*Very Important-Coaches will not discuss playing time with players or parents. It is the responsibility of each player to show up everyday with a great attitude, be coachable, work hard, and display great sportsmanship on and off the football field. My goal as Head Coach is to promote school spirit and teach student athletes the fundamentals of football. We look forward to working with your son or daughter throughout the school year.
Go Bulldogs!
Head Varsity Coach: Dan Harriff
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (760) 290-2455 ext. 3904
Asst. Head Varsity Coach: David Diaz
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (760) 290-2455 ext. 3709
Head JV Coach: Riley Brady
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (760) 290-2455 ext.3815