7th & 8th PE Syllabus

Mission Statement: The mission of Physical Education is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

Daily Participation: Students have the opportunity to earn 5 daily points for unit & fitness activities. The campus mile assessment will count for 10 points for the first 12 weeks and then 20 points for the last 6 weeks of each semester. Student’s participation, work ethic, attitude, sportsmanship, and conduct during class determines their daily point total.

Making Up Lost Points: Students can make up absences by completing two extra warm-up laps for each day they are absent.  One lap can be done at the beginning of class and one lap can be done at the end of class. Students have 1 week after returning to class to make up their lost points excluding a make-up mile. If a student misses the campus mile due to an absence, illness or injury (note), they may make the mile during school on make-up mile days. Please check with your PE teacher for the monthly mile makeup schedule. 

Medical and Notes: A student may be excused from PE with a parent note for 1-3 days.  Anything more than 3 days, a note must come from a Dr. so PE teachers can have a plan for students.  If it is a note from a parent, please hand write the note and hand it to the teacher. Students will dress out if it is 1-3 days.  If it is longer, the PE teacher will work out a plan.  You are to be on your number every day, NOT AT THE LUNCH TABLES.


Grades: A student’s grade is determined by the number of points earned as a percentage of those available as follows: 

 A = 100-90%, B 89-80%, C= 79-70%, D= 69-60%,  F= 59-0%

*Following the rules of conduct, demonstrating fair play, positive peer/social interaction, and sports etiquette determines their Citizenship Grade (NO BULLYING)

Locks and Lockers:  Each student will be assigned their own locker and issued a lock.  Combination locks will be provided by the PE department.  It is VERY important that students do not reveal their combination to anyone.   Students must LOCK ALL OF THEIR BELONGINGS UP EVERYDAY to prevent theft.  WPMS is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the locker room.  If a student loses a lock, they will be required to pay a $7.00 replacement fee.  NO PERSONAL LOCKS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  CELL PHONES and EARBUDS must be in your backpack before you enter the locker room.

P.E. Activities:

Students will typically participate in a fitness/nutrition activity, mile, and sports unit every week.

P.E. Dress Code: Second pair of PE clothes is highly recommended. 

Grey PE shirt $6, Black PE shorts $10 to the front office. A PE uniform must be worn at all times.  If you forget your PE uniform a loaner pair will be provided for you.  If you chose not to get a second set of PE clothes you can bring a gray crew neck shirt unaltered and a pair of black gym shorts with no pockets.  This alternate uniform has to be separate from what you wear to school.  PE students can not wear the same clothes that they wore to school that day. Athletic shoes and socks must be worn at all times. Crocs or any other non-athletic shoe will not be allowed and are unsafe. You will receive a 0 for the day and will not be allowed to participate. Once the weather gets a little colder, students are allowed to wear a jacket and sweat pants over their PE uniforms.  However, their PE uniform will still need to be worn underneath.

For those that have long hair, a headband, hair tie or hat needs to be worn to keep their hair out of their face.

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