
Hello Parents and Students!

Welcome to the world of science.  WPMS Science teachers are committed to create a learning environment that fosters critical thinking and evidence based reasoning.  We follow the Next Generation Science Standards (integrated version) and will be trained on and using Open SciEd in the coming years.

Please check your parent portal weekly to view student progress and to check in with them about concerns you may have.

Teachers are available before or after school by appointment if students should need extra help or guidance.

8th Grade
The concepts in 8th grade are that forces and motion play a large role in the creation of Earth and our solar system.  Students learn about the energy of motion and how it can be applied to every day occurrence as well as in space.

8th Grade Teachers

Mrs. Lacob

Mr. Garnier 

Mr. Collins


7th Grade NGSS Integrated Model (7th Grade NGSS Standards)

The 7th grade guiding concept is that "Natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth’s systems." Students in 7th grade look at what Earth is made of at an atomic level - and how these atoms cycle through various physical and chemical configurations all over the globe. Ultimately, this cycle of matter and energy affect how living things act and react.

7th Grade Teachers

Mrs. Martinez

Mr. Collins

Mr. White


6th Grade NGSS Integrated Model (6th Grade Standards)

In the NGSS model the guiding concept in 6th grade is that "systems within organisms and between them are adapted to Earth's climate systems." To that end, we investigate body systems to see how we adapt to the world around us, and how genetics play a role in the traits that organisms receive. We also look into how weather and climate are affected by energy received from the sun, and how this energy travels to all parts of earth.

6th Grade Teachers

Mrs. Felix

Mrs. Osborn 

Mr. White




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